AUSXIP Andy Whitfield Tribute Site
In Memory of Andy Whitfield


        21 January 2010

Spartacus is Thought-Provoking Feast for the Eyes

ImageWarning: This review discusses the identity of the gay character in Spartacus: Blood and Sand.

First, let’s talk loincloths.

Much ado has been made about the full-frontal female and male nudity on the new Starz show Spartacus: Blood and Sand, debuting this Friday, and the eye-candy is definitely there. But after all the hype and build-up, I confess I was a tad disappointed by this aspect of the show.

On the other hand, I can’t quite stop thinking about the loincloths on all the men. It’s impossible to watch the show and not be struck by all the impressive male bodies on display – and the attractive way those loincloths feature those bodies.

In the case of Spartacus's costume design, less is more, but sometimes a little more is more too.

But the great appeal of this show, for gay viewers and everyone else, is about much more than just the loincloths. All that other hype about how, like the movie 300, the show is filmed almost entirely in CGI and how “revolutionary” it all is?

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